The Organizing Committee of the Congress:
International Department of BSMU
Abdrakhimov Ruslan Vakhitovich Zagidullin Naufal Shamilevich
+7 (347) 2735063
+7 962-546-76-22
GBUZ Republican Cardiology Center
Kamalova Venera Rimovna Khusainova Elina Maratovna
+7 (347) 255-64-44
+7 917-47-47-116
Technical Organizer
OOO "Advertising Media" Kovrigina N.F.
+7 917-344-08-13
According to the theses
Department of Faculty Therapy of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution BSMU of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation Mirsaeva Gulchagra Khanifovna
Conference venue
Toratau Congress Hall
Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa city, Zaki Validi str., 2